
Financial Independence - what?

Imagine a time in which you have complete control of your own schedule, while your money is working for YOU.

Time to spend with your family and friends, your hobbies and working the projects you are passionate about - basically unlimited vacation.

But of course - If you would rather sit in a cubicle until you are 65, working a job you don't like, and then hoping your money will last you through retirement... then now is a good time to leave and watch the next best series on Netflix

Oh, and...

  1. It won't be easy. Simple - yes, but not easy. If it were easy, everyone would do it.

  2. It will take dedication, sacrifice and grits.

  3. It will require temporary as well as permanent lifestyle changes.

So...? last chance to head out and watch TV instead?

... still here?

Then you might have what it takes to become FI (Financially Independent). Let's get started!

The Road to FI

The road to FI has 5 major milestones, all of which will utilize lessons below in varying degree:

  1. Road to Net Zero

  2. Road to Emergency Fund

  3. Road to Investing for Lasting Wealth

  4. Road to Financial Independence

  5. Financially Independent and Retired Early (FIRE)

Lessons include

  • Basics and Concepts of FIRE

  • Understanding Your Financial Situation

  • Cash Flow

  • Budgeting

  • Paying off and Prioritizing Debt

  • Maximizing Income

  • Investing 101 (not with an advisor)

  • Investing for the Long Term (Stock Market)

  • Investing for the Long Term (Real Estate)

  • Buying Assets vs. Liabilities (and why the rich keep getting richer while working less than you)

  • Helpful Tools

  • ... and much more

Everything will be tailored to your needs so you can be best set up to achieve early financial freedom!